Monday, October 14, 2013

How is it really done? Some questions answered.

This morning I received a text message from a friend who is trying to start her photography business.  her text was " Can you please share with me how to get my business going? How did you get yours started, you are doing so well?" Below is my answer to her and to all of you that want to know! Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

DIY Chandelier

I had been browsing Pinterest like crazy for a good DIY chandelier.  I even goggled it and came up with nothing. Finally I gave in and spent $40 on an old vintage (bright gold) chandelier that I found in a cute little antique shop downtown St. Augustine after one of my sessions there.  I was excited cause it was something that I wouldn't have to do much work to.  Although, if you know me and DIY stuff I am all for it to save some money. I guess it just got to the point where I really needed one ASAP. So took it back to my studio and began to use it.  Just yesterday I spray painted it white because now that I have my new studio in Atlanta, GA white would be perfect.  So here I am months later after never finding that perfect DIY chandelier and I log onto FB this morning and BAM, right on my newsfeed is one of the photogs I follow posting her DIY chandelier that she found from Pinterest.  I was so excited because I could do this for the studio bathroom! YAY!!

Thank you J Morgan Images for sharing!!