Monday, October 14, 2013

How is it really done? Some questions answered.

This morning I received a text message from a friend who is trying to start her photography business.  her text was " Can you please share with me how to get my business going? How did you get yours started, you are doing so well?" Below is my answer to her and to all of you that want to know! Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

DIY Chandelier

I had been browsing Pinterest like crazy for a good DIY chandelier.  I even goggled it and came up with nothing. Finally I gave in and spent $40 on an old vintage (bright gold) chandelier that I found in a cute little antique shop downtown St. Augustine after one of my sessions there.  I was excited cause it was something that I wouldn't have to do much work to.  Although, if you know me and DIY stuff I am all for it to save some money. I guess it just got to the point where I really needed one ASAP. So took it back to my studio and began to use it.  Just yesterday I spray painted it white because now that I have my new studio in Atlanta, GA white would be perfect.  So here I am months later after never finding that perfect DIY chandelier and I log onto FB this morning and BAM, right on my newsfeed is one of the photogs I follow posting her DIY chandelier that she found from Pinterest.  I was so excited because I could do this for the studio bathroom! YAY!!

Thank you J Morgan Images for sharing!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shout out to Creative Live

Tomorrow is the second part of the Jasmine Star ReSTARt course.  Are you all so excited? I can't wait.

I wanted to take this time, to give a shout-out to Creative Live an awesome website that offers FREE, LIVE online courses, taught by world class experts in the industry.  I have learned so much from Creative Live over the past year and cannot thank them enough.  I am also very thankful I am able to take advantage of their courses, since many are during the day. However, those of you who do work a full-time job, they do have a re-broadcast in the evenings and sometimes on weekends.  If you miss the course completely you can purchase it and have access to it anytime you want.  I have purchased some courses from them as well. TOTALLY worth it.

For those of you who haven't gone over the the Creative Live website and explored, you need to NOW :) I can assure you, you will not be disappointed.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

DIY Burlap Banner

So once again...a big shout out to JO-ANN Fabrics


This Burlap was on sale 50% off, so I got it for $2.99 a yard. I got 2 yards of it.  I ended up only needing one yard to make the banner, so now I have extra.  I took a piece of a triangle banner that I had made for my son Chase's 2nd birthday and I used that as a template to make the triangles on the Burlap. I cut the burlap out, hot glued string across it and Voila!! It was very simple.  I made it for $6!! If you purchase one off of Etsy ( I do love Etsy) already made, you are looking at around $15 and that isn't including shipping.  This took me all of 10 minutes to make and guess what the best part of it is?! You can add your own font to it.  YUP!! Instead of using a sharpie to write "FAMILY" on it...I left it blank.  WHY? Because I can add any font I want on it by using my editing program, I can change the color and size of it whenever I want. I used this for a photo session this weekend and decided to add "Family" in yellow to coordinate with their outfit color themes--I did darken the yellow a bit because as you can see below it is a little light.  Before you check out the pictures below, I want to share one last secret with you. Since there are 6 triangles you are probably thinking "Well I can only use it with a 6 letter word." WRONG!  I plan on using this for my Valentine's Day sessions and using all 6 triangles by putting <3 LOVE <3 across it with hearts on either side.  Think of how many different words you can add to this banner! Any ideas?! I would love to hear them.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oh I just love this article

My favorite is the blog one because I personally don't think it's useful to blog pics you have already put on FB and then will be on your website too!! Blog posts NEED to stay interesting for your clients!!!

Read this!! :)

Great tips for those of you starting out!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Faux wood floor drop!

Hopefully the mic is better on this one! Work in progress :)



Okay so so you are going to have to turn up your volume for this least I had to, to listen to it.  Sorry, I promise the next one will be louder.  It may just be my little speakers though. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I LOVE my job and so should you!!

"Find a job you love and you will never have to work another day in your life."

That particular quote defines exactly how I feel about my job.  Although, I treat my job with respect and I am professional in everything I really doesn't feel like a job to me.

I spend my "free" time doing my "job" because I LOVE it.  When I have time to myself to do whatever I want ( and my little guy is not around to play with :) I use it to do more "work". I use my free time to edit, look for props, update my website or take pictures.

Do you have a passion for photography? Do you find yourself taking pictures of things that most people don't notice to capture? Do you find yourself getting a tad bit obsessed with photos of others because, "WOW, that photo is an amazing shot!" or " I wonder how it would look if it was edited with a different tone or filter?".  Do you love to edit?

If you said "yes" you are in the right place, because this blog is dedicated to all of you.

I don't consider my photography perfect or at the top by any means, I have more to learn...we all do. I do however consider myself a self-taught professional (with some help:) who has some really amazing tips to share with all of you who are interested in learning more.  I have had some amazing things happen over the past couple years, and I think having roots and ties in various places on the east coast has really accelerated my opportunities to grow over this past year. From a small garden wedding as the first one I ever shot to the next wedding being at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York city! I have been so lucky already and can't wait to see where else my job takes me.

I decided to start this blog because I have really enjoyed helping four extremely talented individuals over the past year start and/or grow their own photography business. Now, their talent obviously needed no assistance, their work speaks for themselves :) I have helped them with ideas, what has worked for me and what hasn't.  I have watched each one of them become extremely successful in what they are doing--it makes me so happy! I love helping and to know that they are doing what they love makes me even happier. More recently I have had many other aspiring photographers who follow me on Facebook (and are complete strangers) message me for advice on marketing, prop ideas, achieving clientele, branding, price lists, offering Living Social or Groupon deals, photography education, etc. That's when I decided I would do this. Oh and by the way...all of it will be done by VIDEO.  That's right! This will be the only post I will make that is typed. I will be video blogging 1-2 times per week right from my office and home studio.  I will be sharing it ALL!!!  I will cover everything that I mentioned above and here are more topics you can expect to be addressed:

  • Editing--starting off with some great FREE editing software(Ribbet, Ipiccy, Picmonkey,etc)  and how to achieve some really cool effects with them #startingonabudget
  • Photoshop basics
  • making your own backdrops and floordrops 
  • Logo's (inexpensive ones and making your own)
  • Selling prints or digital images
  • Website (easy building and photo hosting)
  • How to do it all and not break the bank!! 
  • Camera settings & Lenses
...and I would love to hear from you on whatever else you would like me to blog about. 

I hope that through this blog we can all achieve a network between all of us, and share ideas with each other.